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ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE
ebbly U-shape Neck Pillow | Premium Memory Foam | Lightweight and Portable | Travel Accessories Must-have | Comfortable - TRAVELUTION STORE

ebbly U型頸枕


ebbly便攜頸枕旅行套裝,根據人體工學原理設計,可以讓頸部和肩部肌肉完全放鬆。 U形枕輪廓貼合人體曲線,為您舒緩在長途旅行中頸部及背部不適。採用記憶棉材料,親膚透氣的覆蓋面料,加上獨特的弧形設計,ebblyU形頸枕及眼罩套裝能極大地改善您旅途中的體驗。此外,U形頸枕可壓縮至自身½大小並收納在袋中,不佔據多餘空間。


優質記憶泡沫棉可在3-5秒內緩慢回彈。 ebbly頸枕有獨特的360°支撐頸部和頭部設計,全面呵護頸椎,讓您旅途中的得到放鬆。












顏色: 花灰/藏青
尺寸: 260x260x120mm
外袋: 135x135x150mm
總量: 310g
成分: 外套 - 空氣層針織(35% 棉花 65% 滌綸)